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niedziela, 20 listopada 2022

20.11.2022. Piosenka "Szczepionezja" na melodię "Indonezja"

Chciwusy wszystkie toną w złocie,
Idioci groblą ciągną wóz,Zmierzch cichy zapadł, więc jak co dzień 
Pij propagandę i nie zwlekaj już,Srebrzyście lśni piaszczysty paska brzeg,Tam czeka cię tancerzy krąg, śmiechDziewcząt jak szmer górskich rzekI łańcuch młodych rąk.
Morze w bryzgach pian pieści plaży brzegPocałunkiem fal SzczepionezjaPrzez zasłony z lian połyskuje sierp koralowych raf Szczepionezja.
W dalekiej wiosce bęben dudniPo ziemi pełznie ognisk bury dymNa niebie płonie Krzyż PołudniaWskazując drogę blaskiem swym łagodnielśni piaszczysty plaży brzegWe włosach miłej biały kwiat,Promień księżyca na nim ległSrebrzystą iskrą padł.
Morze w bryzgach pian pieści plaży brzegPocałunkiem fal SzczepionezjaPrzez zasłony z lian połyskuje sierpKoralowych raf Szczepionezja
Brak opisu.

środa, 9 listopada 2022

9/11/2022. Moje aktywności dziennikarskie w 2022 roku

Styczeń 2022

Felietony na www.sermo.com


Pandemialism - a new socio-political system

https://app.sermo.com/post/885198 (dostęp tylko dla zarejestrowanych lekarzy)


Naproxen in the treatment of COVID-19



What antipyretic is best for COVID-19?



More about naproxen in COVID-19 treatment


Luty 2022

Felietony  na www.sermo.com


Unusual gynecological complication after visiting a naturopath - case report



Gazeta dla Lekarzy opens English division


6/02/2022 Laury K2 z okazji 10 lecia Gazety dla Lekarzy



 Guidelines and procedures in our daily medical practice



"Zaczęło się w Zakopanem" monografia historyczno - genealogiczna wydrukowana



Are old woman in the United States? ;)



The art of survival in difficult times


Marzec 2022


Uczestnictwo w e-konferencji Reuters Editors Briefing

AAA Reuters dzis



Mój felieton "The art of survival in difficult times" w mailingu Sermo do Czytelników (1)

AAA Sermo dzis


Tuberculosis is still a global problem



Otwarcie Arfican  Division of GdL - w ramach przygotowań  do obchodów 1/04/2022 ;)


Dotarły do redakcji GdL wydania papierowe, roczniki 2016 - 2021 oraz tom z Biblioteki GdL "Podróż jest olśnieniem"


The beauty of gold


Who joins different sects?



mRNA vaccines and the nervous system


Felieton ten znalazł się w mailingu do użytkowników portalu Sermo

Kwiecień 2022


Global Tuberculosis Report 2021



To love someone - what does it mean?



Mój felieton w mailingu do czytelników Sermo (2)

Sermo mail


Przekazanie bibliofilskiego wydanie roczników 2012 -2022 Gazety dla Lekarzy do Biblioteki Narodowej

Biblioteka Narodowa 1

MAJ 2022


AI will be a serious competition for doctors?


22/04/2022 Emergency backpack



Transplant connect people



European Health Data Space (EHDS)



Painful calf muscle cramps


13/05/2022.( 3 i 4)

Moje dwa felietony w mailingu Sermo do czytelników - "Will artificial intelligence be a serious competition for a doctors" oraz "Global Tuberculosis Report 2021".

Sermo mailing 2 moje artykuły


Uczestnictwo jako akredytowany dziennikarz w konferencji A Scandinavian Freedom Event (https://live.scandinavianfreedom.events/)


Spotkanie w Głównej Bibliotece Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w związku z przekazaniem bibliofilskiego wydania roczników 2012 - 2022 Gazety dla Lekarzy

Biblioteka WUM



Medicine doesn't have one name



Mój felieton "Transplant connect people" w mailingu Sermo do Czytelników (5)

Mailng Sermo maj 2022

Czerwiec  2022


90 th Anniversary of the National Oncology Institute in Warsaw



Participation in scientific congresses



Congress of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, London 13-15 June, 2022



Column title: Medicine Based on Big Data


9 -10/06/22

Uczestnictwo w I Kongresie Humanizacji Medycyny jak akredytowany dziennikarz

 Kongres HUmanizacji Krystyna 2

Dzień pierwszy na UW

Dzień drugi on line

13 - 15/06/2022.  Akredytacja dziennikarska on line na Royal College of Obstericians & Gynecologists w Londynie

Dyplom Londyn kongres RCOG


Lipiec 2022


90th Anniversary of the National Oncology Institute in Warsaw



"Tańczę tango, powieść miłosna" Krystyna Knypl - wydrukowana.

Bibliofilskie wydanie roczników 2012 - 2022 Gazety dla Lekarzy przekazane do Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej w Krakowie

Fot.1. Biblioteka Jagiellońska: wicedyrektor d/s zbiorów mgr Krzysztof Frankowicz (w kamizelce), kierownik Oddziału Czasopism mgr Adam Tomaszkiewicz (kustosz BJ) zapoznają się z rocznikami Gazety dla Lekarzy. Fot.2. Fot. 2. Kierownik Oddziału Czasopism mgr Adam Tomaszkiewicz (kustosz BJ) i mgr Bożena Komar (kustosz BJ) zapoznają się z rocznikami Gazety dla Lekarzy

Fot.1. Biblioteka Jagiellońska: wicedyrektor d/s zbiorów mgr Krzysztof Frankowicz (w kamizelce), kierownik Oddziału Czasopism mgr Adam Tomaszkiewicz (kustosz BJ) zapoznają się z rocznikami Gazety dla Lekarzy.


Fot. 2. Kierownik Oddziału Czasopism mgr Adam Tomaszkiewicz (kustosz BJ) i mgr Bożena Komar (kustosz BJ) zapoznają się z rocznikami Gazety dla Lekarzy.



Congress of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, London 13-15 June, 2022



Medicine Based on Big Data
Lipiec 2022


HIV/AIDS in Poland and around the world



The art of investing



Heart failure in diabetics - new diagnostic proposals of scientific societies



A diet rich in potassium reduces the negative effects of salt on health



Time - a universal parameter


Sierpień 2022


Medicine and motherhood



Mój felieton  "HIV/AIDS in Poland and around the world" w mailingu do Czytelników (6)

Sermo ja w mailingu suerpein 2022

 12/08/2022 Mój felieton The art of investing" w mailingu Sermo do Czytelników (7)

Sermo mailng sierpien drugi 2202

14/08/2022 Mój felieton "Heart failure in diabetics - new diagnostic proposals of scientific societies" w mailingu do Czytelników (8)

Sermo sierpień 2022 mailng trzeci next

 19/08/2022. Felieton na Sermo

World Humanitarian Day


23/08/2022. Mój felieton w mailingu Sermo do Czytelników (9)

Sermo mailing 23 sierpien 2022

Wrzesień 2022

3/09/2022 Felieton "Medicine and  motherhood" na Sermo

European Society of Cardiology 2022 Congress - the most impressive presentations


 3/09/2022 Mój felieton w mailingu do Czytelników Sermo (10)

8/09/2022. Moja statystyka na Sermo

Sermo statystyka


Felieton COVID-19: recomendations on use of adapted vaccines na Sermo


16/09/2022 Felieton na Sermo Air pollution increases lung cancer risk


23/09/2022 Felieton na Sermo Medicine based on memories


30/09/2022 Felieton na Sermo Drinking coffee daily can prolong life

30/09/2022. Mój felieton na Sermo w Mailingu do Czytelników (11)

Październik 2022

7/10/2022 Felieton na Sermo Solar photovoltaics - health and safety


Brak opisu.

7/10/2022 Mój felieton Medicine Based on Memories w mailingu Sermo do Czytelników (12)


9/10/2022 Mój felieton "Air pollution increases lung cancer risk" w mailingu do Czytelników (13)


10/10/2022. Mój felieton "How drinking coffee daily can prolong life" w mailingu do Czytelników (14)


 13/10.2022. Mój felieton The European Society of Cardiology Congress "Summed Up" w mailingu do Czytelników Sermo (15)

Brak opisu.

14/10/2022 Felieton na Sermo World Thrombosis Day


21/10/2022. Illegal drugs increase the risk of atrial fibrillation


28/10/2022 Udział w konferencji na temat hematoonkologii


27/10/2022. Udział w konferencji z okazji otwarcia ośrodka badań klinicznych


28/10/2022 AI will help diagnose severe aortic stenosis



3/11/2022. Mój felieton Solar Photovoltaics - Health and Safety w mialingu do Czytelników (16)

Brak opisu.

3/11/2022 Udział w konferencji prasowej na temat leczenia SMA nursinersenem


4/11/2022 Mój felieton w mailingu Sermo (17)

Brak opisu.

9/11/2022. Mój felieton "AI wil help diagnose severe aortic stenosis" w mailingu do Czytelników Sermo (18)

Brak opisu.

wtorek, 25 października 2022

26/10/2022. Gdybym została prezeską NIL...

Krystyna Knypl

W październikowy poranek obudziłam się z dość egzotyczną myślą w głowie: a gdybym została prezeską NIL... Na szczęście nic takiego mi nie grozi tym bardziej, ale postanowiłam wyobrazić sobie czym zajęłabym się w pierwszej kolejności. Trzy główne tematy to: 

wizerunek środowiska lekarskiego w przestrzeni publicznej

uciążliwości ustawy refundacyjnej

zapowiedziana podwyżka do 120 zł miesięcznie składki na izby

Koń jaki jest każdy widzi - powiedział  Benedykt Chmielowski autor dzieła Nowe Ateny, Albo Akademija wszelkiej sciencyi pełna na różne tytuły jak na classes podzielona, mądrym dla memoriału, idiotom dla nauki, politykom dla praktyki, melancholikom dla rozrywki erygowana) – pierwszej polskiej encyklopedii powszechnej, która ukazała się we Lwowie w latach 1745/1746. Czas płynie a formuła obserwacji a la każdy widzi pozostaje aktualna do dziś.


Źródło ilustracji: https://pl.wikiquote.org/wiki/Nowe_Ateny

Wizerunek lekarzy w przestrzeni publicznej jaki jest każdy widzi

Wizerunek naszego środowiska w epoce przed powstaniem Kas Chorych  i ich mutantu w postaci Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia i wizerunek współczesny to dwa różne światy. Można powiedzieć, ze nawet dwa różne kosmosy. Zdominowanie systemu ochrony zdrowia przez dwa demony  biurokrację oraz reglamentację zdewastowało na trwale relacje między lekarzami oraz pacjentami. 

Obsadzenie lekarza rodzinnego w roli gatekeepera czyli bramkarza dopuszczającego do dóbr takich jak badania dodatkowe, konsultacje specjalistyczne czy leczenie szpitalne spowodowało, że wszelkie zastrzeżeni są w pierwszym rzędzie kierowane do niego. Lekarz rodzinny jest specjalistą z którym społeczeństwo ma najszerszy kontakt jest więc najbardziej narażony na oceny pacjentów. Drugi gatekeeper to lekarz SOR. Stres spowodowany koniecznością selekcjonowania i dopuszczania do poszczególnych usług jest rekompensowany o wiele wyższymi zarobkami niż miało to miejsce w czasach PRL. 

Pieniądze szczęścia nie dają, zakupy też nie, a więc co czyni nas szczęśliwymi? 

Marylin Monroe jest autorką powiedzenia "Pieniądze szczęścia nie dają. Dopiero zakupy." pochodzącego z dawnych lat, w których dostęp do dóbr materialnych nie był tak szeroki jak współcześnie. Zaopatrzywszy nasze konta w odpowiednie ilości pieniędzy, zakupiwszy eleganckie stroje oraz drogie samochody, odwiedziwszy podczas urlopów wszystkie egzotyczne wyspy, spostrzegamy, że brakuje nam do szczęścia uznania społecznego.

poniedziałek, 17 października 2022

Wiersz "Kliknij tutaj od niechcenia"

 Kliknij tutaj od niechcenia


Pokoloruj swe wspomnienia,

Wspomnisz sobie dni młodości,

Chwile fajne, dni radości,

Ale także dni podłości

W wykonaniu różnych gości.

Krystyna Knypl

niedziela, 16 października 2022

The art of writing a CV on the example of Krystyna Knypl

Krystyna Knypl (maiden name Łapińska) was born in Podlasie in a noble family sealing with the coat of arms Jelita, granted to her great-great-grandfather Wincenty Anastazy Łapiński in 1765 by the Heraldya Królewstwa Polskiego.


The roots on her mother's side, Halina Hublewska, lead to Ksawery Konopacki, considered the founder of Warsaw's Nowa Praga district. He was head of the section of the Mining Department at the Government Commission of Revenue and Treasury in Warsaw.

Note that the route of the Warsaw-Petersburg Railway passes through Krystyna's hometown of Łapy! What symbolism!

Mima Lapy1947 400

 In the photograph, taken at Wladyslaw Piotrowski's famous photo salon ( https://wirtualnelapy.dklapy.pl/galeria), we see an elegant woman with big eyes and bright wavy curls.


Another photograph from Krystyna's childhood (taken in Wysokie Mazowieckie, where Krystyna's parents worked at the local high school. Father was the school's principal and Mother was the Polish language teacher https://jagiellonczyk.org.pl/2021/03/10/historia-lo/) shows that she looks just as interesting in formal attire for photography as she does in work attire for the sandbox.

What's more, she has a knack for being a so-called front woman! Her early mastery of this skill came in handy years later when Krystyna became editor-in-chief of the Gazeta dla Lekarzy. It is well known that the Devil dresses at Prada and all editors-in-chief are elegant that ho! ho!
In 1948, her parents moved to Warsaw, where Mother took the position of head of the student dormitory "Dziekanka" at Krakowskie Przedmieście.



Her father worked as an accountant for a higher public utility association called the "Society of Bursaries and Scholarships." Halina's mother, inspired by conversations with students living in Dziekanka, began attending classes at the University of Warsaw, initially as a free listener to lectures by such prominent professors as Witold Doroszewski (https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witold_Doroszewski) and Artur Sandauer (https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artur_Sandauer). After passing two exams, she was admitted to the Polish Studies Department and, upon graduation, received her master's degree based on her thesis on the works of Alexander Fredro.

Halina Lapinska okl pracy magisterskiej660

After graduation, Halina worked as an editor at the State Medical Publishing House on Dluga Street. Krystyna, while visiting her mother at the publishing house, had the opportunity to meet future luminaries of medicine, such as Bogdan Kaminski, Artur Dziak ( https://www.gazeta-dla-lekarzy.com/index.php/medycyna-oparta-na-wspomnieniach/890-nie-lataj-za-wysoko-bo-cie-nie-zauwaza), who also worked at the State Medical Publishing House. Stories about other authors, prominent professors of medicine such as Eleonora Reicher (founder of Polish rheumatology), Antoni Horst, physiologist ( https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoni_Horst), Alicja Blaim, pediatrician-endocrinologist ( https://endokrynologiapediatria.wum.edu.pl/content/historia-kliniki-pediatrii-i-endokrynologii) as well as copies of famous medical books edited by Mother, such as Wladyslaw Szumowski's History of Medicine, present in the house, undoubtedly influenced Krystyna's choice of medical studies.

During the vacations, she returned eagerly to her hometown, taking advantage of the invitation of Aunt Frania, a pious person of great heart and nobility, as well as an animal lover. Aunt Frania also had a talent for mathematics, which was enjoyed by all the local children. As Henia, a childhood friend, recalled years later - there was no mathematical equation that Auntie could not solve.

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Auntie always had a horse, cows, sheep and a cat on her farm. One of them was known to walk Auntie to church for morning mass. After escorting Auntie, he would return home, sit on a high fence post and so wait for her to return from church.

Chasing the cows from the barn to the pasture in the morning and returning in the evening were ceremonies permanently inscribed in local customs, and participating in them was a favorite activity of her Daughter Kate, who spent many of her summers in her mother's hometown.

The sheep, which initially grazed with the cows in the meadows along the Narew River, over time plucked grass in the home garden.


School education and higher education

Krystyna is a graduate of T. Czacki High School No. 27, which in her school days was located on Karowa Street in Warsaw. After passing her matriculation exam, she studied at the medical faculty of the Medical Academy in Warsaw from 1962 to 1968. After her fifth year, she was the winner of a competition for an exemplary student. During her studies, she listened to lectures by distinguished professors with noble lives. These included surgeon Prof. Zdzisław Łapinski (https://www.gazeta-dla-lekarzy.com/index.php/medycyna-oparta-na-wspomnieniach/1244-medycyna-oparta-na-wspomnieniach), a Warsaw insurgent and participant in the Polish Medical Mission to Ham-Hyn in North Korea (1955), and internist Prof. Marek Sznajderman (https://www.gazeta-dla-lekarzy.com/index.php/medycyna-oparta-na-wspomnieniach/1069-wspominajac-prof-marka-sznajdermana-1929-2020), under whom she passed her diploma exam in internal medicine and did her postgraduate internship. Years later, she found documents from which she learned that he was, along with her Father, a prisoner of the German concentration camp Sachsenhausen.

Work as a medical doctor

She began her work as a physician in April 1968 at the State Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Warsaw at 59 Nowogrodzka Street.

After completing her postgraduate internship, she continued her work as a doctoral student, graduating in 1974 with a doctorate in medical sciences on the basis of her thesis "Application of ultrasonocardiography to assess the functional state of the myocardium." She is a specialist in second-degree internal medicine and a specialist in hypertensiology. In 2001, she received the title of specialist of the European Society of Hypertension in recognition of her achievements in the field of hypertensiology.

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In addition to her medical work at the hospital, she taught internal medicine in Russian with students coming from Yerevan for summer internships. In addition, thanks to her knowledge of the Russian language, she was invited in 1975 to give a lecture on "The use of beta adrenergic receptor blocking drugs in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases" at Novosibirsk State University in the famous Akademgorodok academic town during the Polish Medicine Week.

She deepened the art of medicine under the guidance of Prof. Jack Preibisz (https://www.gazeta-dla-lekarzy.com/index.php/medycyna-oparta-na-wspomnieniach/968-lekarski-szlak-dr-hab-n-med-jacka-j-preibisza ). On the other hand, under the guidance of Prof. Jolanta Chodakowska, she learned the principles of reliable clinical research ( https://www.gazeta-dla-lekarzy.com/index.php/medycyna-oparta-na-wspomnieniach/931-wspominajac-prof-dr-hab-n-med-jolante-chodakowska
She deepened her knowledge of echocardiography at a seminar in London (1979), during which she had the opportunity to observe the pioneering examination of the pulmonary artery valve by Prof. Arthur E. Weyman.

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Since 1982, she has worked at the Hypertension Clinic of the State Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Warsaw, 59 Nowogrodzka Street, combining medical practice with scientific and didactic work. Under her guidance, three young doctors completed scientific papers on hypertension, which were presented by them at the congresses of the European Society of Hypertension in Milan and Paris. Christine presented three scientific reports at the Interamerican Society of Hypertension congress in Sao Paulo in 2004.

She summed up her her MD path in the book "The Golden Diploma of Physician."


Working as a journalist

Since 2000, Krystyna continued her medical practice in Warsaw's private medical clinics. The new work formula allowed her to become more intensively involved in journalistic and literary work. In 2003, she published her debut novel, "Tiger Ointment or the Vocation of Medicine." Readers received the book very favorably, which encouraged Christine to continue her literary activities.

However, she was more attracted to writing columns, articles, poems and books than to writing prescriptions for hypotensive drugs. From 2006 to 2012 she was a columnist for "Gazeta Lekarska" published by the Supreme Medical Chamber. In the pages of this magazine, she created the timelessly famous "Decipher a prescription" column, in which she showed examples of medical hieroglyphics, and readers submitted decipherments.

One of the puzzles from the "Decipher the Recipe" column. Since 2014, it has been working with the high-circulation color press.

In 2012, she took on the publication of the monthly Gazeta dla Lekarzy, a nonprofit magazine created by doctors and their families. The co-founder of Gazeta dla Lekarzy is her Husband Mieczyslaw Knypl (1949-2021), in whose memory she wrote the book "I dance the tango, a love novel".

 She is the author of the SF novel "Diagnosis: Gold Rush," written in 2011/2013, which features the Brave New World, Augmented Reality, the Muti Vir-Vir vaccine, which is administered in vaccine-buses...Not only that, the vaccine causes some side effects, which the Party of the Rich... She summed up her journalistic part of her career path in the book "Journalistic Duck" ( https://www.gazeta-dla-lekarzy.com/images/gdl_2020/KACZKA%20dziennikarska.pdf )

With particular dedication, Krystyna promotes healthy lifestyles and a salt-reduced diet. In recognition of her contributions in this field, she received the 2014 World League Award for Notable Achievements In Dietary Salt Reduction at the Population Level.

krystyna knypl notable achievementmini

Krystyna has traveled throughout Europe and North Africa. The real challenge was a trip she made to Brazil to present three scientific reports at the Interamerican Society of Hypertension congress in São Paulo. The realization of the trip was made possible by the receipt of a travel research grant.

She also traveled to Argentina for the World Congress of Cardiology in Buenos Aires, and at the conclusion of the proceedings, she made a self-prepared solo trip to Iguazu Falls.

Similarly, she traveled to Australia on her own for the Transplant Congress. She has visited the United States several times in connection with journalistic accreditations to the congresses of the American Society of Hypertension, the American Society of Cardiology, the American Heart Association, and the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
I have repeatedly received journalistic accreditations from The Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency at the European Commission for health conferences held in Brussels, Madrid and Athens. She has also been accredited by national institutions such as the Sejm and the Senate of Poland, the Presidential Palace and the Polish Academy of Sciences. She has given about 30 interviews to radio, television stations and the press.

An interesting form and at the same time a serious challenge for a journalist is an interview in a foreign language. According to Krystyna, the final text is the result of the thoughts of the person giving the interview and the words used by the journalist to translate what was recorded on the electronic medium. She has had the opportunity to prove herself in this regard by interviewing Prof. Philipp Kotler, the marketing guru, and Prof. Louis Ignarro, the Nobel Prize winner in physiology and medicine.

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With Prof. L. Ignarro during an interview

Another kind of journalistic adventure turned out to be an invitation to write columns in English on the largest portal for doctors www.sermo.com. Since 2016, Krystyna has been writing columns as a "Sermo community columnist" for the online community of doctors, comprising 800,000 people from 150 countries. Her column "Is a woman of a certain age, still interested in sex?" was published by the WHO / UN portal "Decade of a healthy aging"

And last but not least, she is the author of dozens of poems, a volume of which will soon be published.

Krystyna is interested in photography and she is the author of the photoblog Modne Diagnozy (http://modnediagnozy.blogspot.com/).

The heroes of her daily life are her daughter Kate, son-in-law Maciej and grandchildren Helenka and Heniek. For them she wrote a family trilogy "Mosaic of Memories" consists of volumes: "It Started in Zakopane," "All Kids Have a Drawer" and "In the Rhythm of La Paloma."She collects editions of The Little Prince in various languages.
Krystyna is a member of the Polish Society of Cardiology (since 1977), the European Society of Cardiology (since 1977) and the Association of Polish Journalists (since 2004).

KK wczoraj i dzis660

Krystyna Knypl

Diagnozowanie Nowego Wspaniałego Świata, odcinek pierwszy

  Krystyna Knypl Motto: Młodzi MYŚLĄ, że starzy są głupi, ale starzy WIEDZĄ, że młodzi są głupi. Agatha Christie , Morderstwo na ple...