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niedziela, 29 października 2023

Globalna Republika Fakelandzka (GRF) - nowa powieść SF Krystyny Knypl

 Krystyna Knypl

Część pierwsza Pandemlandzka Republika Ludowa (PRL) jest dostępna pod linkiem


Pandemlandzka Republika Ludowa okładka

                                              TOM DRUGI

                                             Krystyna Knypl



              Fake news okładka

                          Globalna Republika Fakelandzka 


Rozdział 1 . Pokolenie Postpandemlaków

Słynny wiersz Pan Wiruseusz, który wprawdzie miał swoich zwolenników, opisujący epokę Pandemlandii zaczął  tracić na aktualności. Miał wprawdzie wśród starszych ludzi swoich fanów, ale kompletnie nie działał na umysły najmłodszego pokolenia Pandemlandczyków, zwanych pokoleniem Pi-Pi.

Rodzice recytowali go przy różnych okazjach wspominania minionej epoki, ale  Pokolenie Pi-Pi, kompletnie nie było w stanie zrozumie jego przekazu.

O roku ów!, kto cię widział w naszym pięknym  kraju,

Roku pełnym mutacji wirusów, bakterii mega urodzaju,

Lekarze rokiem  złych zdarzeń zwać cię będą starzy,

O tobie będą bajać ci, którym powtórka się marzy!

Byłeś tylko  małym wirusem, pomieszanym z brudem,

Przekazywanym sobie między schorowanym ludem.

Dziś ogarnęło ludzi wiosenne serca drgnienie,

Jakieś przeczucie, jakby  przed świata końcem,

Oczekiwania bardzo silne, długie  i radosne. 

Gdy po dwóch latach aresztu dzieci wybiegły na wiosnę,

Zdawało się, że na maksa  zgłodniałe są one ruchu,

Jednak nie biegały  w energii szalonym wybuchu ,

Lecz dreptały w kółko jakby były związane w łańcuchu.

Kręciły się w kółko, żuły chemiczny, pokarm gumowy,

Ale żeby pobiegać nawet nie przyszło im do głowy.

Czy zawsze już tak będzie? Oto jest podstawowe pytanie.

Czy da się przywrócić rozum do głów ludzkich?

Czy powrotu rozumu do głowy realnym się  stanie?

To najważniejsze dziś dla  myślących ludzi pytanie.

Postpandemlaki z trudem odrywały skrajnie błędny wzrok od najnowszych modeli smartfonów, zwanych obecnie przez starszych obywateli kłamstwofonami  i mamrotali:

Ale o so-wam-chodzi? To była wasza młodość  ale ona już minęła. Nie zauważyliście tego???Teraz jest nasza epoka, a już chyba wiecie, że w Nowym Wspaniałym Świecie liczy się Eutazjonolia oraz tylko młodzi. Starzy ludzie psują klimat, niszczą środowisko naturalne, jeżdżą tymi spalinowymi starymi samochodami, nie pozwalają montować ekologicznych konstrukcji fotowoltaicznych na swoich domach. Mówiąc krótko: kradnie nam z powietrza tlen, nasz tlen! 

Eutanazjonologia, największa naukowa nadzieja naszej epoki nie rozwija się niestety dostatecznie szybko, aby obsłużyć wszystkich obywateli powyżej 75 roku, życia, którzy - powiedzmy sobie tę prawdę - już się nażyli, naoddychali i nakradli innym ludziom tlenu. Zaczyna brakować kapsuł eutanazyjnych i w ostatnim przypadku humanitarnego zabiegu w Republice Groningenlandii eksperci zmuszeni byli posłużyć poduszką aby pozbawić  drogi oddechowe pewnego starca dostępu do cennych i stale malejących na kuli ziemskiej.

-Cooo?. Skąd to wiecie? - pytali przerażeni rodzice i dziadkowie Postpamdemlaków.  Mówiła nam naostatnim seminarium z eutanazjologii Frau Franja najwybitniejsza ekspertka ds humanitarnego starców zabijania z Instytutu Świata Ratowania.

- A kto taki? - zapytał drżącym z przerażenia głosem dziadek Władek, żyjący już 76 lat.. 

To jest założycielka Centrum Dobrej Śmierci w Sarmalandii najwybitniejsza ekspertka która wykłada eutanazjologię na konferencjach we współpracy z  wydziałem Uniwersytetu Ekspertów Medycznych (UEM) w stolicy naszego kraju oraz z samorządem tej uczelni - odpowiedział jego wnuk z pokolenia Pi-Pi, student tej prężnie rozwijającej się uczelni. 

Oni powinni nazywać się pokolenie Psi-Psi - pomyślał dziadek Władek. Nie obrażając niemowlaków i noworodków psi-psijących w pieluszki.

DziadekWładek postanowił założyć Komitet Samoobrony przed Eutanazją

Krystyna Knypl

Źródła ilustracji

(*) Fotografia: Krystyna Knypl

(**) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fake_news

GdL 10/2023

Tzw. Kolektyw Instytutu Dobrej Śmierci


Właściciele domów pogrzebowych są zręcznie wkomponowani w różne „zawody tanatologiczne”. Domy pogrzebowe mają Agnieszka Beczek, Asia Olszewska, Iza Ździebko, Kinga Ziólkowska.

Tu link do dokumentu zwanego Myśli Przewodnie IDS


Prowadzą „Sklep pogrzebowy” , tu oferta https://instytutdobrejsmierci.pl/zwroty/

Tu aktywności społeczne takie jak „ Death Cafe”, S”zkoła Umierania w Komunie Warszawa”, Kursy i webinaria o umieraniu

Tu link do najbliższych aktywności https://instytutdobrejsmierci.pl/wydarzenia/

Tu ceny uczestnictwa i zakupów


Tu wpis do KRS (Kapitał założycielski w dniu 27 lipca 2022 roku wynosił 5 000 zł


Dostęp do szczegółowych danych finansowych IDS wymaga wykupienia płatnego (!) abonamentu dostępu…. Więcej danych, a właściwie ograniczeń w dostępie do danych pod linkiem https://www.wyszukiwarkakrs.pl/profile/0000981952



poniedziałek, 9 października 2023

DIagnosis: golden rush, chapter 8

 Krystyna Knypl


A Oran 13
It was a cloudy November day and everyone was wandering around the lab in a miserable mood. It was supposed to be such a hit, but it turned out to be crap - thought more than one member of the research team. Since there was nothing special to do, laboratory technician Rita Beorg decided to do some housework, including going for vaccinations with her child. She entered Professor Lenton's office to ask for a day off. – Professor, I have to vaccinate my son, can I take the day off next Friday? – she asked. – Yes, yes, of course, take the baby for vaccinations – agreed the professor. – We don't have anything special to do at the moment anyway. What will he have vaccinated? – he said to the girl heading towards the exit. – Combined vaccine, according to the vaccination calendar, without any delays – she replied. – Has he already been vaccinated with Muti Vir-Virr? I remember my younger sister wasn't feeling very well after the vaccination, Lenton said. – Muti Vir-Virr, what is that? I haven't heard of it, I guess it's not on the mandatory vaccination schedule now - Rita replied. - Well, I don't follow it either, I just remembered that something happened to my younger sister after the vaccination and that's how it stayed in my mind. Moreover, vaccination sets change from time to time. Go to your baby and be well.

Own vision of the creators of a new order in healthcare

After the lab technician left, the professor asked himself: What happened to Muti Vir-Virr that we don't hear about him now? Has it fallen out of circulation or has it been improved and does not kill children after vaccination? I think I must have been on a scholarship at Panestralia back then because I have some gap in my memory about it. He entered the phrase "Muti Vir-Virr" into the search engine. A huge number of links popped up. Wow, what rich documentation and I know nothing about it! He opened each page and with each click his eyes got bigger and bigger. And that's history! The documents showed that a decline was observed just three years after the introduction of the Muti Vir-Virrem vaccination incidence of viral infections. Further years only confirmed the excellent effectiveness of the vaccine against all viral diseases that have plagued humanity for years. It was a reason for joy, but not for everyone because the manufacturer of the Muti Vir-Virr vaccine patented its invention for twenty years. This meant a lean time for all producers of other vaccines for single viral diseases. This is unacceptable! Efforts had to be made to return to the old vaccination schedule. After a few symposia, some reports questioning the effectiveness of Muti Vir-Virru, a few financial injections for very important people, and after a few years of presence on the market, the matter was settled. Muti Vir-Virr was hailed as a dangerous vaccine due to the content of two heavy metals, and that's the end of the problem. The topic was sidelined and Muti Vir-Virr was excluded from mandatory vaccinations.

Paw 2'

This is how patients saw the creators of the new order in healthcare

Have we checked the impact of vaccinations on TCER polymorphism at all? Wait a minute, Lenton glanced over the columns of correlated factors. There was not a single vaccination among the correlated factors, and certainly Muti Vir-Virr! Well, that's a nice story! We have to start analyzing it tomorrow, he said. The next day, Professor Lenton was in the laboratory before seven. He turned on the computer and the coffee-making equipment. The two devices in his office were almost coupled together. He looked over the correlation calculations for the factors under study once again. The analysis of vaccinations performed by patients in terms of the impact of this intervention on TCER polymorphism was forgotten. He asked the person responsible for the flow of data from the Ameerland Medicine Study to include all information about vaccinations performed among study participants. After two days, he had all the data he needed. Now statisticians should deal with them. The calculations were completed in less than a week and the results were sent to Lenton. Regardless of the statistical method used for analysis, the results were always the same. The grandparents' generation did not show any polymorphisms and the use of medical services was low. There was a large group in my parents' generation where TCER was almost the rule. Frequent medical advice was also a rule. Then everything disappeared in the next generation. He sent an email to Graham Bohner informing him that they needed to discuss the matter together. Why did the parent generation group from the Ameerland Medicine Study have such a common TCER polymorphism? They met for lunch to discuss directions for further exploration. They both felt they were close to discovering the cause of the observed variability.


Caption: Our bodies, our lives, our choice

At the other end of the corridor of the "Modne Diagnozy" editorial office, the "Tygodnik Niepopularny" apartments were located. The editor of Ivan X. was on duty - a name unknown to any self-respecting editorial office. She looked at the monitor, and clicked on e-mail - nothing happened. Around noon she felt something move. No, not in the computer, but inside the body of editors, or as some people used to say, editors. It twitched a second and third time, with no intention of stopping. From the throat, it passed through the chest decorated with withered breasts and settled in the stomach. “Ear-ear-ear, I'm sitting in a certain belly,” SOMETHING said and crouched in an unidentified nook of the insides. When the red actress was wondering what could be moving through her body, the phone rang unexpectedly. The crouched SOMETHING seemed to have accelerated and began to travel through the body at a faster pace. She didn't even have time to answer the ringing phone. What could it be? – the editor-in-chief was concerned. Repeated searches for various associations and descriptions of the ailments experienced did not bring any answers. The distinguished editorial chaplain, who was passing through the corridor, greeted the editor and politely asked: – What good things do you hear from the dear editor? – Ahhhh, Reverend… I have a problem, SOMETHING is moving inside me and I don't know what it could be. I've looked everywhere and nothing suits me. I googled all the organs and nothing. – And did you search for "wandering uterus"? – No… Reverend, do you think it could be the uterus??? – the red-actress asked, beyond frightened. “Medicine knows such cases,” the reverend said mysteriously. The red-actress typed the password suggested by the reverend with a trembling hand and they both immersed themselves in reading...

Mural o przyszłosci

What to do? What to do? There was a recurring question in both of their minds. After a short discussion, they decided that it was impossible to stop the wandering of the uterus without going to the hospital. Regardless of the late hour, they rushed in the Reverend's limousine to the nearest hospital emergency room, where they arrived out of breath just before midnight. In the first attempt, they bounced off a tightly closed door. So they energetically started ringing all the bells and hitting the armored glass with their fists, separating the healthcare providers from their benefactors and sponsors of their studies. – Open, open… – they shouted at the top of their lungs. - Help! Help! After a long while, an Empathetic Paramedic appeared and opened the door to the editorial team eager for medical help. – Let's go to the horse rider on duty! – they shouted simultaneously. “Please sit down and search your pockets for your latest insurance document,” the Empathetic Orderly ordered phlegmatically. - What??? Insurance??? We need help here, not showing what we have and what we don't have in our pockets! Please get us in touch with a doctor quickly! – First of all, we will direct you to the appropriate group… what's wrong with you… what? – said the Empathetic Paramedic. “A wandering uterus, according to the Reverend,” the red actress blurted out – Zara, Zara… – muttered the Empathetic Paramedic, leafing through the latest guidelines of the National Brother Payer. – What do we have here?… There is… a ruptured uterus – we then give a red sash to the patient; an abandoned uterus – decorated with a yellow sash; all other uteruses not classified above – receive a green sash.

By the instructions, he girded the red actress's chest with a green sash and walked away with a step reminiscent of the famous parade step on the marshy ground during military studies classes. Meanwhile, Ivana Unexpectedly, it turned out that after everyone had been taken care of and decorated with red and yellow sashes, the quota allocated for cases of uterine diseases that day ran out. The on-duty team, by the guidelines, prepared documentation for the National Brother Payer. Units wearing green sashes had no chance of helping today. The Reverend shook his head at the futility of fate and worldly organizational solutions. Being a resourceful man, he suggested visiting a famous uterine healer or using the Formula 1 service center. They called the service center, but unfortunately, the price of the service was beyond the payment capacity of the red-actor Ivana X. The only hope left was that menopause would free Ivana from uterine suffering. The Ministry of All Patients has doubled and tripled in various activities for the benefit of Sarmaland patients, but no one has yet been born who would please everyone. It may not have been born, but we have to try, noted the Minister of All Patients and ordered the search for a new image for the ministry. Since Mrs. Wyborowa's image was sidelined, he has been personally creating his media image. After a very heated meeting with trusted advisors, it was decided to rename the Ministry of All Patients to the Ministry of Only Good Decisions. A decision made in the right ministry, in the right aura, has a completely different significance than some accidental and ill-considered proposal by Mrs. Wyborowa Wizerunkowa. The first legislative initiative of the newly established ministry was the Act on Not Expressing Hasty Opinions, which was intended to constitute an integral part of the medical bill package. Doctors, especially the old ones, tended to give opinions on everything, review it, and consider it from different angles. The worst thing was that they called a council every time and discussed it even 24 hours a day! Such a disorderly exchange of free thoughts could not lead to anything good. Not expressing hasty opinions did not solve all the problems regarding treatment. Patients obtained drugs in various ways - they forced doctors to prescribe more and more expensive prescriptions by request, deception, and threats.

Everything has to be controlled, checked, and supervised. You can't let anything go, and under no circumstances should you let doctors decide on their own. The Minister of Only Good Decisions was losing his mind, wondering what else could be done to put an end to this electoral laxity. During a routine Thursday staff meeting, he asked Mrs. Wyborowa Wizerunkowa a last-chance question: – Do you have any new idea that could put an end to this laxity in reimbursement among horse riders? – Eeeee… uh… this… aaaa maybe… by… yes – Mrs. Wyborowa Image replied in full sentence. – Well, you're of no use! I'm firing you irrevocably and this time for real, not for PR! Goodbye forever! Please return your mobile phone to the office and take the tram back home! You are no longer entitled to a company car!!! – shouted Minister Bartolomeo Karriera-Nieuwierra, known in Poland and abroad for only good decisions. He sipped from a can of a drink that cleared his mind and warded off the specter of hypoglycemia that always haunted him when he fired someone from work, then delved into the pile of pleading papers that various associations had thrown at him. Or maybe we could delve deeper into these reimbursement structures and look for some criminal connection with this Bad Pharma... there must be... some connection... if they produce these drugs, they get something out of it... they must have... well, it can't be that they had nothing... Hours passed, more cans of lightening drink landed in the waste bin under the ministerial desk, and the ministerial mind was still immersed in darkness and decision-making powerlessness. Due to the lack of evidence for a controlled crime, the minister decided to look for other ways to deal with the problems. After much consideration, he decided that the classic solution would be the safest. After all, it worked so many times, it should work this time too! – he said to himself, to console himself. I'll blame it all on those greedy croakers. I will say that their salaries eat up the medical budget and at least someone will be responsible for the financial shortfall. Exhausted by the loss of energy, he managed to allocate what was left of it to write an application for a special bonus for himself for his services to the health of the nation.

niedziela, 8 października 2023

Diagnosis: golden rush, chapter 7

 Krystyna Knypl


 The researchers involved in the implementation of the BAT Study program worked tirelessly. They analyzed the data, looked for correlations, and looked for causal relationships. Proteins in which the tyrosine in the side chain has a hydroxyl group in an unusual position are called psycho-proteins.

So, did increasing the supply of phenylalanine in the diet provide a chance to change health behaviors? This was the basic question arising from the initial research. However, further analysis of the samples unfortunately did not confirm this preliminary hypothesis that changing the position of the hydroxyl group affects human behavior.

Psychoproteins turned out to be a clue that could not be fully confirmed. However, there was a belief among researchers that the issue was related to the structure of proteins. Months of searching passed, and there was no indication that any connections would be found quickly. The next morning, when the discussion was still going on after Matilda's appearance on TV "Rewelacja" on the forum www.penicillium3x80000j=2.4 million, editor Jan Grzegorz Maczugin appeared on the screen of the competing television station To-Nie-Ten (TNT). The editor's programmatic task in the great strategic plan of the fight for the souls of Sarmaland patients was to refute the facts. When someone said, for example, You can't cross the red light, editor Maczugin replied stoically: How can you not? How can this not be possible?


To Nie Ten (TNT) Television

He had mastered the challenge of all knowledge to perfection. He had a stable amount of knowledge, which he acquired during his philosophical studies. As a graduate, he knew well that after completing such studies, it was enough to philosophize, because why keep learning so much? When editor Maczugin read a work forty years ago, he had read it.

He couldn't understand why these horsewomen kept saying it was so difficult to read the Commercial Data Sheets of Pills, Rectal Suppositories, and Injections. If they read it once, they would have read it. And they did nothing but complain that they had to read and read all the time. And the editor doesn't have to, he just needs to philosophize and immediately feel better. The editor's well-being wasn't always good, but it was all because of the inscriptions and the doctors. For example, the information that smoking causes cancer and other serious diseases was extremely irritating to editor Maczugin, who is an active sponsor of the tobacco industry, whenever he reached for a pack of cigarettes.

During one of the editorial meetings at the station, To-Nie-Ten proposed that the tobacco industry, as part of its customer-facing attitude, should develop a new version of the inscriptions: "Doctors cause dangerous diseases!" Everyone liked the concept of editor Maczugin.

Algier ZOO

Freedom was longed for by people and animals

Most importantly, the new concept provided high-paying tobacco industry advertising for the To-Nie-Ten station. This inscription freed many smokers from the dilemma of who was responsible for their diseases. Dr. Odrana-Zatroskana, who smokes cigarettes with pleasure, was also an admirer of the new concept. When, after some time of broadcasting the ads, someone in the studio unwisely suggested that smoking causes cancer, the editor immediately said: How does it cause it? How does it cause this? Does anyone feel they are causing this? There was no force for such a dictum. During commercial breaks, TNT broadcasts a spot:

"When reaching for a cigarette, remember that it is doctors who cause all your diseases. And most importantly, don't forget that you enter the horse woman's office at your own risk! The viewership of To-Nie-Ten (TVT) increased fantastically, the budget stabilized, and all this happened thanks to the ideas of editor Maczugin. For such merits, he was promoted to the director's position and removed from the daily vision, although he was given the right to handle special events. He also obtained an exclusive license to support events with the participation of Dr. Odrana-Zatroskana. In the next stage of work, BAT Study researchers focused on the Hyper Variable Region of the genome. Everything indicated that this fragment of the secret written in proteins held the key to solving the mystery. The focus was primarily on the CAAX motif, ending a highly variable region of the protein. The subjects were once again divided into groups according to the criterion of the last amino acid from the CAAX motif. It turned out that when the terminating amino acid was leucine, the use of medical services reached the level of 4-5 times a year. However, when CAAX was terminated with phenylalanine, there were 12 services a year. This variant facilitated the permanent attachment of psycho-proteins and phospholipids to the endoplasmic reticulum membranes. It wasn't easy for people and animals in the New Wonderful World.

Therefore, it was hypothesized that the permanent connection of phenylalanine from the CAAX motif with the endoplasmic reticulum leads to persistent health behaviors. Samples of all medical office goers were reviewed. Several more statistical tests were performed to examine the relationships between individual parameters. It fits like a glove. Everything indicated that bound phenylalanine does not participate in the body's biochemical processes and, as a result, the level of the free form decreases. It was assumed that the brain of such an unfortunate person with reduced phenylalanine levels was prone to depression. The pain threshold is also lowered. In short, the brain causes people to look at the world through black glasses. And if so, only a doctor could help! And the frequency of visits, costs, demands, expectations, social dissatisfaction, bad election results, and the bottom line were all increasing. The functioning of all endocrine glands weakened, hormone levels decreased, and diseases multiplied almost by budding.

However, the most important question remained unanswered: what factors cause the phenylalanine from the CAAX motif to connect with the endoplasmic reticulum? All known and theoretically influencing factors that could potentially generate such a connection were checked, but nothing matched, at least of the factors that were tested. The case unexpectedly came to a standstill.

While BAT Study scientists focused on the details of the structure of individual amino acids, the public authorities in Sarmaland tended to focus on larger works and more momentous events. The unveiling of new monuments and the opening of new centers related to medicine were the activities most eagerly attended by Minister Bartolomeo Karierra-Nieuwierra. The important role played by Sarmaland's national consultants, advising in various fields and, above all, in implementing the idea of reimbursement, required solemn celebration. The minister decided to fund a monument in honor of the national consultants and issued an appropriate order to the artists.

After a few months, the monument was ready. The work was called the Monument to the Four Sleeping Consultants of Sarmaland. All officials and models, i.e. national consultants, attended the unveiling ceremony as guests of honor. During the ceremony, they took heroic knee-elbow positions near the ministerial box so that the authorities had them at hand. By gently tugging his mane, the authorities could say "Good consultant, good".

The unveiling ceremony of the monument is scheduled for noon. The clocks on the Madman's Tower struck twelve. The Minister of All Patients of Sarmaland approached the podium, gracefully took out an "i-To-Lubię" tablet from his pocket, and began to speak in Latin to the gathered guests:

 exegi monumentum 3
Exegi monumentum

 Exegi monumentum aere perennius

There was no end to the applause, especially since the opening of the Institute for Measuring Doctors' Working Time was to take place soon, followed by the filling of director positions and the assignment of minor managerial functions. It's worth waving your mane ingratiatingly at the minister because there's a real point. The annual budget of the Institute for the Measurement of Physicians' Working Time amounted to two billion Sarmalandic reals, which was saved thanks to the introduction of new solutions on the prescription market. And since the consultants always needed money, there was no end to the waving of their manes. A rumor spread among consultants that the Institute of Physicians' Working Time Measurement would be tasked with developing the foundations for the development of a new discipline of managerial sciences - AMOK, i.e. alternative medicine based on control. The times when a doctor thought, sought advice from other colleagues and used his professional experience are gone. What are these methods that cannot be measured and controlled? – said supporters of the new discipline. Everything must be measurable and controllable, they added. Medicine as an art? – the future presidents of the institute snorted like cab drivers. We checked these artists and showed them their shortcomings. Consultants rushed to the rescue and a scientific basis was developed to silence those who doubted and all too often invoked personal experience. AMOK was given the highest rank among various methods and marked with an evidence class of IA, which meant that the strongest evidence was always in the hands of the controller. There was a revival in the labor market, and hope for a well-paid job blossomed in the hearts of all masters of cultural studies, art history, and musicology who dreamed of medicine in their youth, but lacked the courage and talents to realize their youthful dreams.

sobota, 7 października 2023

Diagnosis: golden rush, chapter 6

Krystyna Knypl



To battle!

The main research task facing the scientists involved in the program labeled the acronym BAT Study, or The Best Available Treatment, was to determine whether there were links between proprotein, receptor structure, genes, and the social health behavior of people. health behavior of people. It was not about of course, it was not about some simple correlation, but about precisely determining which of the thousands of proteins coursing through a person's body carries the code for a predilection for overuse of medical services.

The first stage of the study involved reviewing all biological specimens, carefully collected for 50 years in the Ameerland laboratories Medicine Study, and comparing them with the list of reporting appointments to doctors. A threshold for increased use of medical advice was taken as reporting more than three visits per year. Rapid non-reporters and infrequent visitors were quickly weeded out, as they were not a research target.

One thousand five hundred residents shying away from medical services were excluded from the five thousand baseline sample residents who shunned medical services were excluded from the five thousand baseline samples. The entire focus was on the 3,500 frequenters of medical practices. All possible systems, proteins, sequences, bonds, and chemical rings were analyzed.

The time went by and at a certain point, everyone was in the office. Time passed and at some point, it seemed to everyone that nothing interesting could be found or established. Then, by chance came to the rescue. It was decided to take one last look at the one last look at the spectrophotometry data.

In a further review of the results, it was found that in many cases an additional, hitherto undescribed band. The structure of this band was very intriguing and it was suspected that the track led to changes in one of the amino acids, specifically tyrosine. The findings looked interesting, but it was necessary to thoroughly analyze the samples using a more detailed program of protein structure imaging. Multiple sequences were viewed in successive patients in 3D presentations. The researchers' attention was drawn to the paler fragments in areas where tyrosine was incorporated.

This phenomenon occurred in patients who frequently visited their doctors. It was agreed that the next stage of the work would involve deciphering the lifestyle of tyrosine holders with pale blue fragments. Many facts had to be established - what they did, what they ate, how they spent their leisure time leisure time. The research dragged on.

Meanwhile, in the flats of the monthly" Modne Diagnozy", a relaxation of the summer holidays was followed by a period of intensive editorial work. The Managing Editor was working hard to improve Matilda's texts, adding commas, hyphens, semi-colons, and a lot more. to them by adding commas, hyphens, semicolons, and other little things.

Without them, the texts would be tasteless, like any dish without salt or pepper. like any dish without salt or pepper. These seem like little things, but how much they contribute! If the editorial team would like to introduce property separation, the ownership of the Managing Editor would look like this:;.......,//////-----(((((())))), and Matilda's would only be the words that are between these stamps! 

"How time flies, it's almost galloping," thought Matilda and turned on Sarmaland's famous TV station. While waiting for the final shape of her texts, which were being edited by the Managing Editor she temporarily had no urgent activities in the editorial office. The announcer announced the broadcast of another important event in health care. Clocks throughout Sarmaland punctually struck noon, followed by the sound of a bugle call from the Wariacka Tower. After the last sounds of the bugle call, on the screens of the TV screens, Minister Bartolomeo Karierra-Nieuwierra appeared dressed in paramilitary garb and began to speak.


Prescribers of Refunded and Non-Refunded Pills!

I am forced to announce that there can be no going back on the Commercial Characteristics of Pills, Suppositories, and Suppositories! of the Handling Guide for Tablets, Suppositories, and Injections as the armed arm of the system's tidying-up, sealing holes, and a symbol of medical progress.

We will never allow you to rely on knowledge and personal testimony! For what does an individual mean in the face of the power of the system and the eminence of the High Authority for the Undoing of Medical Progress?

In the same way, there can be no return to the impunity of scribbling on prescriptions, created by the insidious idea of a of a once-famous column. What was it called? Scribbled Prescription or something similar. We deciphered it in collaboration with a coadvisory committee, headed by the President of All Presidents, the true face of this column. Well, it called for doctors to write prescriptions inexplicably by showing how to do it effectively. At the request of the President of All Presidents and his committee advisory committee on editorial matters, the column was scrapped and removed from the pages of the press. 

Deleted? temporarily, unfortunately. The rubric has grown back, the hydra! And in what form? What am I saying, it has grown back. It has grown to the size of the entire newspaper, unfortunately. Perhaps it was better not to make a rash decision, so as not to regret it bitterly later," he muttered under his breath. Perhaps it was better not to be hasty, so as not to regret it bitterly later," the speaker muttered under his breath.

czwartek, 5 października 2023

Diagnosis: golden rush, chapter 5

 Krystyna Knypl



The main research task faced by the scientists involved in the program titled BAT Study, or The Best Available Treatment, was to determine whether there were links between the protein profile, receptor structure, genes, and social health behavior of people. The aim, of course, was not some simple correlation, but to determine precisely which of the thousands of proteins coursing through a person's body carries the code that determines a penchant for excessive use of medical services.

Armia Praga
Armies of dedicated fighters will fight hand-in-glove for the New Wonderful World

In the first stage of the study, all biological samples, carefully collected for 50 years in the Ameerland Medicine Study laboratories, were reviewed and compared with the list of reports of visits to doctors. Reporting more than three visits per year was taken as the threshold for increased use of medical advice. Non-reporters and infrequent visitors were quickly weeded out, as they were not a research target.

One thousand five hundred residents shying away from medical services were excluded from the five thousand baseline samples, and all attention was focused on the 3,500 regulars at the doctor's surgery. All possible systems, proteins, sequences, bonds, and chemical rings were analyzed. Time passed and at one point it seemed to everyone that nothing interesting could be found or determined. The chance came to the rescue. It was decided to take one last look at the spectrophotometry data. On a further review of the results, it was found that in many cases an additional, hitherto undescribed band could be seen. The structure of this band was very intriguing and it was suspected that the clue led to changes in one of the amino acids, specifically tyrosine. The findings looked interesting, but it was necessary to thoroughly analyze the samples using a more detailed protein structure imaging program.

Multiple sequences in successive patients were viewed in 3D presentations. The researchers' attention was drawn to the paler fragments where tyrosine was incorporated. This phenomenon occurred in patients who frequently visited their doctors. It was agreed that the next phase of work would be to decipher the lifestyle of tyrosine holders with pale blue fragments. Many facts had to be established - what they did, what they ate, how they spent their leisure time. The research dragged on.

Meanwhile, in the flats of the monthly magazine "Modne Diagnozy", the holiday relaxation was followed by a period of intensive editorial work. The Managing Editor worked hard to improve Matilda's texts, adding commas, hyphens, semi-colons, and other fine details. Without them, the texts would be tasteless, like any dish without salt or pepper. They seem like little things, but they add so much! If the editorial team wanted to introduce property separation, the Managing Editor's property would look like this: ;.......,//////-----(((((())))),


Sarmalanders await entry to the Institute for the Verification of Medical Diagnoses

and Matilda's would be only the words that are between these stamps! The commas in the texts increased by the minute until noon arrived. 'How time flies, it even gallops,' thought Matilda, and turned on Sarmaland's famous To-Nie-Ten TV station. As she waited for her texts to be finalized, suffering the process of fine-tuning by the Managing Editor, she temporarily had no pressing editorial work to do. The announcer announced the broadcast of another important event in health care.

Swiat w twojej glowie

Mental maps of the inhabitants of the New Wonderful World were created

The clocks throughout Sarmalandia punctually struck noon, followed by the sounding of the bugle call from the Mariacka Tower. After the last sounds of the bugle, Minister Bartolomeo Karierra-Nieuwierra, dressed in paramilitary garb, appeared on the television screens and began to speak.

Dear Prescribers of Tablets, Rectal Suppositories, and Subcutaneous, Intramuscular, and Intravenous Injections!

The fight continues on all fronts and all routes of administration. The steps taken by the ministry serve to preserve the basic rights of the Sarmalandia patient. The foreign patient must take care of himself because he does not vote for us in the general election. We get nothing out of him. Costs only. 

All momentous reforms will continue under conditions of order, factual discussion, and financial discipline. This also applies to the reform in the prescription of tablets, rectal suppositories, and injections. I do not want to make promises. We have a difficult period ahead of us. For tomorrow to be better, today it is necessary to recognize hard realities, to understand the need for sacrifices. One thing I would like to achieve is peace. This is the basic condition from which a better future should start. We are a sovereign ministry. So we must emerge from this crisis with our strength. With our own hands, we must push back the threat... At this difficult moment, I turn to ournbest allies and true friends:

Dear Friends,

Stay shoulder to shoulder with us. We greatly appreciate your trust and constant assistance. The confidential alliance with the President of All Presidents is and will remain the cornerstone of our raison d'etre, the guarantee of the inviolability of the budgetary limits. Sarmalandia is and will continue to be an enduring link of the Valor Pact, a reliable member of the social community of nations...

The hand that rises against our reforms, we will chop off along with the stethoscope!

And if that doesn't work, we'll pacify it with a sedative injection administered with a blunt reusable syringe. So help us, God's Hypocrite, for you seem to believe in him, Dear Friends of the Brother Offices of the Bato Doctors!
- Wow, what is this time - waster? - shouted Minister Bartolomeo Karriera-Nieuwierra suddenly at full throat. - Help!!! Who maliciously planted this text on me???? Start the search immediately! Immediately!!! Unfortunately, the unknown perpetrators scattered in all directions, as is their custom. In addition, they ran off on one leg!
And how do we find them now and punish them principled?
- Mrs. Wyborowa! Please come to my office immediately! You have joint ownership of this mishap, honorable lady! Dismiss me and with your nose to the ground track down the villains.

- Yes, sir - squealed Mrs. Wyborowa and ran off in all directions with dedication...

As it soon turned out, Minister Bartolomeo Karierra-Nieuwierra's speech opened up many fronts in the fight for a better tomorrow for the Sarmaland patient. The combative atmosphere prevailing in the medical sector brought to mind the Battle of the Great Mountain, the anniversary of which was fast approaching. Numerous media decided to celebrate this important event. Matilda was invited to a friendly TV station called TV Revelation. The combative atmosphere did not go unnoticed by the users of www.penicylium, who cheered Matilda into battle by shouting at her on the forum.
- Bang your fist on the table and see if the scissors will be heard! - cried the virtual, tireless warriors.
- Brothers and sisters in Asklepios, there are glass tops in the studio. 'I can't damage property, I'll cut myself and they won't invite me again,' Matilda remarked self-consciously.
- Put on a wet T-shirt and don't let anyone get away with it, and preferably get drowned in kisel and fight to the last batter! - shouted one of the heated participants.
- Brothers and sisters at Asklepios, in the studio only serve drinks such as water or coffee. They don't have gels. If I've drowned myself at home in that gelato, by the time I get to the studio, it's all dried up and nothing will come of it.
- Shout as loud as you can! - advised participants in virtual protest rallies.
- Brothers and sisters in Asklepios, there are glass tops in the studio. 'I can't damage property, I'll cut myself and they won't invite me again,' Matilda remarked knowingly.
- Put on a wet T-shirt and don't let anyone get away with it, and preferably get drowned in kisel and fight to the last batter! - shouted one of the heated participants.
- Brothers and sisters at Asklepios, in the studio only serve drinks such as water or coffee. They don't have gels. If I've drowned myself at home in that gelato, by the time I get to the studio, it's all dried up and nothing will come of it.
- Shout as loud as you can! - advised participants in virtual protest rallies.
- Brothers and sisters in Asklepios, the host of the TV show has good hearing, and I don't feel the need to emit shrieks during the recording - noted Matilda.
- Be like a volcano and erupt every once in a while, spewing forth clouds of steam, lava, and ash - exhorted @clinical beetle at full throat. The poor guy had stumbled into the forum after a full day of shivering behind his Proforessa Dominessa. Not only was he shuffling along, picking at his feet, but he also had to endure critical remarks about his medical knowledge.


@Clinical Beetle

Every once in a while, the Proforessa would pick up her shoe and position it in the "completely trample him" position right over the head of the poor @ClinicalBbeetle. She was about to trample him into a pancake and send him to a yogurt wholesaler for milling to replenish the cochineal red supply but made up her mind at the last minute. And where am I going to find another poor boy? - she thought and pulled the shoe back. Frustrated, all twitching and exasperated, he raised his eyes shyly, for the first time that memorable day. He put out his feelers and wandered them, tentatively, millimeter by millimeter, moving his gaze higher and higher, bolder and bolder. No one protested. He caressed the sweet dimples on the lateral side with his feelers and moved boldly to the medial side. Once again, he boldly glared upwards. Still, no one protested. At the very thought of what else he could do until the blood boiled inside him and clotted intravascularly, as blood does when boiled. The entire beetle homeostasis was in ruins in an instant. Luckily for the subsequent course of events, a natural anticoagulant cascade was set in motion in the jittery body of @Clinical Beetle. All trans-membrane ionic transports sent hosts of molecules into battle, activated proteins, and humoral substances. Circulation patency was returning.

Ha, if that's the case, we can continue exploring the area he thought and began once again to run his legs and feelers. Still, no one protested. God, does that mean I can go further? And further still? As far as... - the heart of @Clinical Beetle was rumbling like crazy. A millimeter at the top, two. The feelers were exploring. How about I explore the other side like this? Hmm, too far there! I stick to the route once taken. The feelers reached this rippling thicket and immersed themselves in an endless delight. God, how many sweet variations to disguise with tireless feelers! And all this is available to me? I can hash, slither, climb, and plummet down from the summit in an endless immensity of lose-it-all-ness.

Duzo nas

Many Sarmalanders suffered from the lack of access to a doctor's stamp, and they formed the patient organization "Much of Us"

- Help!!! Rip me apart! - he moaned, sinking utterly into the abyss of pinkness. He was sinking, falling, sinking into nothingness without end... After some time, his strength was exhausted, and he came to his senses. He crawled out of the pink recesses of pleasure and, having recovered a little, began to contemplate his future.


Inaugural lecture at the Faculty of Refundology

After careful consideration, he decided that he would practice the parade step with his feelers on the marshy ground. He wanted to grow into a great Beetle, the Scarab of Egypt. - One, two, left! One, two, left! The Beetle is crawling and singing a song - he intoned cheerfully. He contemplated a renewed exploration of the pleasure grounds. How many good things were there! And ripples, and hollows, and smells beyond forgetting. And all this was within reach of his feelers, his feelers Until now, never in his entire life had something so thrilling happened to him. He did belong to the large family of Sarmaland Beetles, but all signs of behavior indicated that he was of the subgroup of Deerflies (Lucanidae), whose fate by definition is not interesting. Some researchers suggested that it was perhaps of the subgroup Sprouting (Apionidae), in other words, it was an ordinary sprout.

This did not sound good! Although the considerations were supposedly scientific, after all, he was a clinician that ho-ho, and maybe even more, and he valued the scientific approach by definition, there was some minimalist suggestion in these considerations. And on top of that, Proforessa Dominessa still had him down as a Cucujiadae, while he felt he was a proud descendant of the Beetles (Scarabeidae). Admittedly, he had once scored an affair with a Ladybird Two-spot, but what an affair that was in the face of the ocean of pleasure that engulfed him during his recent trek to the peaks!

Seul 4

 The day-to-day work of the medical staff at Proforessa Dominessa's ward

Diagnozowanie Nowego Wspaniałego Świata, odcinek pierwszy

  Krystyna Knypl Motto: Młodzi MYŚLĄ, że starzy są głupi, ale starzy WIEDZĄ, że młodzi są głupi. Agatha Christie , Morderstwo na ple...