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sobota, 3 listopada 2018

3/11/2018. Rozdział 43: na międzynarodowych salonach

Krystyna Knypl

Rok 2016 był chyba najbardziej międzynarodowym z całej mojej kariery. W dniu 3 czerwca 2016 roku niezwykle ważny dzień w mojej karierze dziennikarskiej. Zostałam zaproszona do pisania felietonów na amerykańskim / globalnym portalu dla lekarzy Sermo. Nie miałam pojęcia, że potrafię pisać prozą i to po angielsku - mój pierwszy felieton miał tytuł World is aging and you too ;) . Nie dość tego jeszcze mi za to płacą.

Po przedstawieniu się międzynarodowej społeczności lekarzy zostałam poproszona o udzielenie wywiadu dla Sermo (dostęp do całości portalu tylko dla lekarzy). Jest on dostępny w wątku

Real doctors of SERMO: an interview with @mimax2
What year did you begin practicing medicine?


What medical school did you attend?

Akademia Medyczna in Warsaw, Poland.

Why did you choose this career / specialty? Do you have a special story to share?

I started my postgraduate internship in internal medicine. As a diligent person, I really applied myself to the work, this attitude was noticed by my mentors and they offered me to continue training within the specialization in internal medicine and then start doctoral studies in cardiology.
What’s your most memorable case – could be one that stumped you, one that saved a life, took the longest to diagnose…
My memorable case... a young man, a journalist representing the technical press, with peptic ulcer disease and gastrointestinal bleeding, whom I examined in the emergency room almost 40 years ago. I have this patient before my eyes every day until today... this is my wonderful husband Francis.
The Polish Code of Medical Ethics states that a physician cannot exert on a patient any other influence than the therapeutic one, and I obviously had this other influence ; ) … or… maybe it was a therapeutic effect - peptic ulcer disease was cured and has not returned during 40 years of observation. It's a very long remission ... on reflection, I think it was a therapeutic effect consistent with the code of medical ethics : )

You shared with the community that you have an impressive home library including a collection of 40+ editions of The Little Prince from around the world. How did this collection start? Do you have a personal favorite edition?

The first book from my collection I bought in 1969. I was then a 24-year-old girl, and I was in the first year of my work as a doctor.
End of medical studies, first job, new colleagues, choice of specialization – it is a time when a young person is looking for ways of life. I read The Little Prince many times at that time, I underlined many passages that impressed me. The excerpt that has made the biggest impression on me was:
“People haven’t time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But since there are no stores where you can buy friends, people no longer have friends. If you want a friend tame me!”
The first copy has numerous underlined sections of text that I liked most. I looked at it now again, and I like invariably the same passages.
I love this copy with historical love, but I also like a rare edition in Arabic, notably the dialect used in Algiers, where I went twice.
I have a lot of fondness for a copy in Korean, bought during a trip to Seoul. In fact, each copy has its own sentimental story.
What do you think is the biggest public health challenge that your country faces?
Poland has 2 doctors per 10,000 inhabitants, it is the lowest rate in Europe. This is due to two main factors - small number of medical students and the emigration of Polish doctors to other countries.
16 years ago a reform of health care based on the concept of Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) was started in Poland. It came from the US and other European countries. The creators of this theory are Robert B. Fetter and John D. Thompson of Yale School of Management, so a business university. The rationale for the creation of this concept was to facilitate accounting of expenditures and control the actions of doctors. Could there be anything more absurd than having medicine management based on a desire to make life easier for accountants and controllers ???

What’s the most absurd thing that a patient has ever asked you?

I worked in a clinic specialized in the treatment of patients with hypertension.
My longtime patient asks me for a prescription. Searching for his medical history, I ask: what medications are you taking? Mr. X replies: Doctor! How is it possible that you don’t remember what medications I am taking ??? I didn’t remember. Shame on me ; )

What are some of your favorite hobbies? How do you unwind or relax from your work?

Traveling and planning a round the world trip. Photography. I'm a photoblogger since 2007.

Do you have a favorite photograph that you’ve taken?

I have many favorite photographs.

If you could meet one other SERMOan in real life, who would it be?

I would love to meet DocLMG, Enbastet, Sreade, Beachdaze in real life – very friendly to me. I would love to meet Gynosaurus my colleague from the internet forum for Polish physicians, he was very helpful to me in difficult times of my life. Thanks Gyno, I will always remember.
I'd love to meet all other Sermo community fellow columnists and talk about their passion for writing, because I think they all have such passion. I would also like to meet Bailey from the Sermo Team.

What is your proudest moment in your medical career so far?

I work in two professions – as a doctor (48 years of practice) and medical journalist (16 years of practice). I have a specialization in internal medicine, as well as a Ph. D. in cardiology obtained in 1974, so I'm one of the pioneers of echocardiography in my country. I also have a Specialist Diploma of the European Society of Hypertension. I am a passionate advocate of healthy lifestyle. In 2014 I received the World Hypertension League Award for Notable Achievement in Dietary Salt Reduction at Population Level. I feel fulfilled as a doctor.

The moments in which I received all the medical titles and diplomas are undoubtedly a source of pride, but I'm most proud of my career as a medical journalist. I began to pursue a journalistic career when I was 55 years old.

If you could travel to one other country to practice your specialty, which country do you think would need your services the most?

At the moment, I’m more fascinated with the work of a journalist, in particular presenting issues related to telemedicine. It brings not only a lot of opportunities, but also no less threats of which we are not always aware - both doctors and patients.

I would like to improve my journalistic (also photographic) skills in the United States. I had the opportunity to work as a journalist accredited to annual conferences such as the American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, the American Society of Clinical Oncology. I dream of journalistic training in the United States and to give a chance for the fulfillment of my dreams, I sent an application for the Nieman Foundation Fellowship.
Keep your fingers crossed for me!

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 things would you bring with you and why?

A computer with Skype and a source of energy, so that I can connect every day with my husband in Warsaw and my daughter and grandchildren in Paris.
A smartphone - in case if Skype doesn’t have a connection
A set used for brewing and a few yerbamate packs - it's been my favorite drink since my trip to Argentina in 2008.

Let’s play 2 Truths and a Lie with the community, where you tell us 3 things about yourself, one of which is NOT true. The community will guess which one is the lie. What are your 3 “facts”?

#Dr Mimax2 doesn’t have a driving license or a car, moreover she’s never had either, she moves in space only by trams and planes.

#Dr Mimax2 dances tango masterfully with her husband, she’s mastered this art while in Argentina

#Dr Mimax2 is left-handed

Wywiadowi towarzyszy ankieta na którą odpowiadają członkowie forum.

                                    Le Grand Colbert
Kolejny pobyt w sierpniu 2017 w Paryżu połączony był miłą uroczystością 10 lecia ślubu naszej córki Kate z Maciejem. Rocznice obchodziliśmy w słynnej restauracji Le Grand Colbert, znanej z filmu Lepiej późno niż później oraz Za jakie grzechy, dobry Boże?

W ramach nieodrywania się od życia krajowego zwiedziłam ciekawą salę konferencyjną Zebra Tower, gdzie z dwunastego piętra zrobiłam kilka zdjęć.

Pisanie tak jak ziewanie bywa zaraźliwe i udzielające się. Z czasem do grona piszących osób w naszej rodzinie dołączył mój mąż, który wyspecjalizował się w pisaniu wierszy na imieniny, urodziny oraz specjalne okazje.

Niestety nie zdobył on jednak uznania szerokich rzesz słuchaczy w rodzinie, Przyjechaliśmy pewnego roku na imieniny Helci z prezentem i wierszem, gdy Dziadek zaczął czytać Helcia krzyknęła „żadnych wierszy”. 

Ani się obejrzeliśmy a nasz wnuk Henio skończył rok. Wydaliśmy z tej okazji w Warszawie Przyjęcie Bagietkowe.

Udzieliłam też wywiadu dla portalu stacji telewizyjnej TVN oraz Polskiego Radia 24. Kolacja wigilijna z kolegami z Sermo była wzorowana na Przyjęciu Bagietkowym oraz nawiązywała do tradycji dodatkowego nakrycia na wigilijnym stole – symbolika musiała chyba zrobić na kolegach z Sermo duże wrażenie – jedna z amerykańskich koleżanek napisała na priv, że bardzo chętnie wzięłaby udział w takiej kolacji, ale w tym roku nie może i pyta czy zaproszenie może być aktualne na przyszły rok. Nie mogłam oczywiście obiecać realizacji spotkania w tak odległym terminie.

Byłam też w Senacie na konferencji poświęconej problemom ochrony zdrowia.
Wkrótce potem pojechaliśmy do Paryża aby przekazać naszej córce Katarzynie legitymację Stowarzyszenia Dziennikarzy Polskich.

                       Dni otwarte w Hopital Necker
Ważnym wydarzeniem było uczestniczenie w Dniach Otwartych Hopital Necker. Zwiedziłam salę operacyjną oraz szpital dla pluszaków, w którym miś Helci miał założony gips!

          Zwiedziłyśmy salę operacyjnąw Hopital Necker

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